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Like most content creation tools, you can undo/redo all editing in Nomad. There is a limit to how many operations can be undoable, but you can control this behavior.


You can use quick gestures to undo/redo:

  • 2 fingers tap to undo
  • 3 fingers tap to redo


This panel displays the history stack, showing the number of steps, the operation name, and the amount of memory that step is using.


History limit (Mb)

If the history stack exceeds this value, the older operations will be removed so that the memory budget fits into this limit.

Maximum undoable

You can control the maximum number of operations.

Restore camera

For each operation, the viewpoint of the camera is saved. If you enable this option, undoing or redoing an operation will reset the camera to the saved viewpoint.

Include actions

  • Lights - When disabled, light operations (apart from gizmo moves) will be ignored by the history stack
  • Matcaps & HDRIs - When disabled, changes to matcaps and hdri's will be ignored by the history stack
  • PostProcess - When disabled, changes to the postprocess options will be ignored by the history stack

Memory stats

This section gives a breakdown of memory used by Nomad.